Install AWS CLI on Mac

Updating Homebrew

Before installing the AWS CLI, it's crucial to update Homebrew. Open your terminal and type:

brew update

This command refreshes Homebrew's package list, ensuring access to the latest versions. The duration may vary based on your internet connection. Upon completion, you'll have the newest versions available for installations or upgrades. Keep an eye out for any mentions of outdated packages that might need updating.

Installing AWS CLI with Homebrew

To install AWS CLI, open the terminal and execute:

brew install awscli

Homebrew will download the AWS CLI package and necessary components for macOS, ensuring smooth integration into your system.

To verify the installation, check your AWS CLI version by typing:

aws --version

The version number should appear, confirming that AWS CLI is operational.

Verifying AWS CLI Installation

If you don't see the version number after running aws --version, ensure that:

  • AWS CLI installed without interruptions
  • You typed the command correctly

Revisiting the installation process might solve any issues. With AWS CLI installed and verified, you can now manage AWS resources and services directly from your terminal.

Configuring AWS CLI Credentials

To configure your AWS CLI, type aws configure in your terminal. You'll need your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key ready.

The CLI will prompt you for:

  1. AWS Access Key ID
  2. AWS Secret Access Key
  3. Default region name (e.g., us-west-2)
  4. Preferred output format (json, table, or text)

After this process, your AWS CLI is set up to communicate with your AWS resources.

With your AWS CLI now configured, you can manage AWS resources efficiently from your terminal. Remember to keep your AWS credentials secure and never share your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Consider using IAM roles and policies to enhance security when managing permissions for AWS CLI users.

Writio: Your go-to AI content writer, transforming your ideas into engaging articles. This page was written by Writio.

  1. Amazon Web Services. AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. 2023.
  2. Homebrew. The Missing Package Manager for macOS. 2023.

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