Github Repository – How to setup a private repository

GitHub is a popular website for sharing source code. It allows users to collaborate on projects by creating repositories that store files in a central location. This tutorial will teach you how to use GitHub to host your own project.

Create an account/log in

To start, you need an account. If you need to create one, have a look at this guide. Else go to and log in. Click “New repository” at the top right corner of the screen.

Create a new private repository

Now you’ll see a list of options. Choose “Create new repository” and then choose a name for your project. Next, select “Private repository” and enter a description. Finally, choose a location for your repository. Click “Create repository” when you’re done.

In conclusion, GitHub is a great tool for sharing your work with others. You can use it to host your own project or collaborate with other developers.

If you’d rather not go through the process yourself, there are plenty of third-party services that will help you out. One such service is BitBucket. This service allows you to easily manage multiple repositories, as well as provide access control.

Push Changes to the Repo

Once you’ve got everything set up, you need to push changes to the repo. To do so, click on the “Push” button at the top right corner of the screen. You’ll then see a list of files that were changed since the last commit. Click on each file to select them, and then press the “Push“ button.

Create a Private Repository

If you’re looking to host your own project, you can use GitHub as a platform to do so. This allows you to keep track of your work, collaborate with others, and even publish your project publicly.

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